Tuesday, December 23, 2008

the great financial storm

A tempestade economica esta chegando ..ja podemos sentir seus fortes ventos….
Muitas coisas tem falado da depresao economica ; mais poucos fazeram as perguntas mais importantes Como isso vai min afetar ,e quais as medidas que devo tomar? Primeiro ; don’t panic ,Segundo se enforme sobre o assunto….se acantecer vc esta prepardo se nao gloria Deus.
Nao e muito tarde para proteger sua famila dessa catrastrofe financeira,,mais con certeza ja nao ha muito tempo pra familias de baixa renda.
Desde 2001 Deus nos monstrou medidas a seren tomadas.. confesso que nos ultimos dois anos relax- amos um pouco….me lembro quando comentava meus sonhos e visoes com as pessoas ,que tinha que ecomizar e se livrar das contas muitos sentiam inconfortaveis…well preferiram dar ouvidos aos profetas do prosperity gospel: you can have it, you must have it, bigger car bigger house ..if you don’t have you’re not blessed…wow !!o maior problema e que muitos perderan e desperdissaran seu tempo e dinheiro pagando por um estilo de vida caro e irrational.. e nao teve chance de guardar nenhun ou construir algo solido que seja realmente seu.. Se pudessemos voltar atraz humm???
Well isso nao e mais mera previsoes ..mais se tornou dura realidade falada nos meios de comunicacao mundial
Um dia tava lendo a biblia e o espirito santo resaltou a parabola das 10 virgens de uma maneira diferente, as virgens sabias pagaran um preco se preparedo guardando extra oleo no caso que o noivo se atrazasse elas nao correrian o risco de ficarem no escuro ..as tolas passaraan seu tempo ocupadas gastando o oleo que tinha e nao se precaveram de mais suprimento … a noite chegou , e aquelas virgens pagararam um alto preco ..e nao e que isso esta acontecendo com muitos??
Mais ainda ha uma pequena luz no fim do tunel para aqueles que esta disposto a incarar a realiadade e mudar seu estilo de vida e tomar as devidadas precausoes,.se voce vive uma vida em volta de credito consedere uma mudanca de valores agora .porque o que fizer agora determinara o seu futuro .pois a economia do mundo esta em jogo isso inclue vc e eu…isso nao e falta de fe ,e sabedoria.,Considere o que fala proverbios:“quatro coisas na terra sao pequenas mais extremamente sabias:formigas sao pequenas e com pouca forca ,ainda sim acumula sua comida para o inverno”
Quem e dono dos seus bems mais importantes como casa e carro??o banco ou vc?? Qual e minha situacao atual?qual e a minha divida atual? Tenho alguma reserva??
Se vc tem carro, casa ,e cartoes ..e nao pode pagar desista assuma a sua situacao…se bancropsy e a sua solucao, faca… a biblia contem leis de perdao de dividas (Deuteronomy 15;1,2)e a lei dos Estados Unidos vc pode receber perdao de divida a cada oito anos …talvez vc pode comprar sua casa algums anos mais tarde com precos de 1999.se declarar bankcropsy vc tera 3 a 12 meses free ate que sua papelada se resolva.. Digamos que a depresao nao vai a frente ,e pra que foi todo esse preparo e essa preocupacao??…Simplismente agradeca a Deus e desfrute sabiamente a suas economias .Isso lhe pora numa situacao beneficiada ,quando a economia voltar a andar com suas proprias pernas..o ano de 2009 nao promete melhora muito pelo contrario os precos de casas vao cair ainda mais ..uma casa que valia $ 350 mil Valera 150 a 90 mil…. Vc tara pagando $250 mil a mais …. think about it. Sorry nao e pessoal e politica!!!
Vamos acordar e consedere isso: numa tempestade forte so as arvores que estao bem enraizadas que prevalencem….so help us God..
lia tavares

present and future ,dream abouth economy

Present and future economy dream
On the 16th of this month I woke up with a very interesting dream :
A women was given announcement, like an official breaking news and I was paying close attention to every news that she was bringing ,the news was about the stores that was closing everyday……as she talks images was showing ,,streets of stores ,like when u walk to the halls of a shopping mall full of closing stores. And the business that stay open function like booth the stay together in other function most like a flee market
.Sine change now my family and I .we are in my town in brazil .with some of many old friends that today is in many countries of the world and they come to say hello and two linguages Portuguese and italiano, ingles ,spanhol
Some how In my dream when I sow that I retrieved. some how I knew it the situation before it worsens

When I woke up I know exactly what this means .is what we are liven right now , a bad worldwide economy that going to force people come back to there home country …..that’s why people speak there language and other language …….
we haven’t hit rock bottom in this recession. And that history tells us when we get there, people is saying 18 months to 2 years before we see a substantial recovery. But that guess might be optimistic because we are walking uncharted territory.
Lia tavares

Friday, December 19, 2008


I woke up this morning to pray I was sleep ,and I came back to sleep again ,and I was have sleeper half wake ,when these lade seat in my bed and she place her hand over my head and pray in spirit, as she pray a computer scream appear in front of me with young peoples ,the pages have there needs ,problems etc, and I so this men in horse dressed with armor and caring a white Flag,
So I began to pray in the spirit and the lord told me about the dry bones,
And I woke up
The Lord took hold of me, and I was carried away by the Spirit of the Lord to a valley filled with bones. He led me all around among the bones that covered the valley floor. They were scattered everywhere across the ground and were completely dried out. Then he asked me, "Son of man, can these bones become living people again?"
"O Sovereign Lord," I replied, "you alone know"
Then he said to me, "Speak a prophetic message to these bones and say, 'Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again! I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.'"
So I prophesied, just as he commended. Suddenly as I prophesied, there was a rattling noise all across the valley. It was a miracle, but there was one problem. They were still dead. There was no breath in them; the same is going on in evangelicalism today. We come together in big conferences where we make a lot of noise, a lot of teaching, music, dancing. We can have all that and still not have spiritual life.
A valley of dead bones is a perfect picture of where so many of our churches and our homes and lives are - There's no power of the Spirit of God.
In evangelical church today, is a lot going on, but as one Christian men of God said, "The unfortunate thing is if the Spirit of God were taken out of the average church, the problem is that things might just keep on going as they always have and you might not even notice the difference."
The bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons. Then as I watched, muscles and flesh formed over the bones. Then skin formed to cover their bodies, but they still had no breath in them.
Then the Lord said to me, "Speak a prophetic message to the winds, son of man. Speak a prophetic message and say, 'this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, O breath, from the four winds! Breathe into these dead bodies so they may live again.'" So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them. We must cry out to the Spirit of God. There will be no revival if we do not pray, because only the Spirit of the Lord can bring breath and life to these bones I mean US. "So I prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army." The awesome news is that God is about to move, but we must repent, and prophecy
Ezekiel -37
This is a prophetic word to us ,but most to young people , I do believe God is raising a large army of young people that is going be add on each day ,they will not count the cost ,they will not be hold back by there families ,job, position or status . They will be a generation of John the Baptist ,a voice crying in the desert, prepare the way of the Lord , this will be a generation that looses the chains of wickedness, untie the straps of the yoke, let the oppressed go free ,share the food with the hungry, help the broken heart, take the homeless in to there house, cover them with clothes, they will take over nations ,and rebuild cities.
The lord woke me up this morning with calling to pray to build an army of giants that conquers with praise.To defeat the deadly enemy and put hem to shame. Ours hearts is burning like a fire
Ours horses are in place
We faith for victory and we will conquer this place
His truth is our shield and armor
The calling is for victory
Rise up and praise
The migthy army is here
To conquer this place
The lord woke me up this morning with a call to pray. You do not need to fear ,Just embrace his grace
Oh, lord you are my refuge,You are my safe place
We will conquer distant lands .Go to the most remount places
Cuz you gave me so much.I just can't hold and be safe
I will sing a new song
I lift your name on high
We rise up your flag for the people
O Lord my God you're great.
